World of Quadrilaterals

To the World of Quadrilaterals

Student presentation


  1. Find the length Of the diagonal QS of a square PQRS if length of diagonal PR is 8 cm.
  • As per given conditions,
Length of diagonal PR is 8 cm.

The diagonals of a square are congruent
. (Property of square.)



But PR = 8 cm…………………..Given

Therefore QS is also 8 cm .

  • If in the square ABCD , l (AB)=4.5 cm, what are the lengths of the other sides of the squares?
  • As per given conditions,
AB (side of the square) is 4.5 cm.

All sides in the square are congruent.


AB= BC= AC= CD= 4.5 cm.


The diagonals seg DF and seg EG of the square DEFG intersect each other in point m .If l(DM) =7 cm. find l (EG) ?
As per given conditions,
the diagonals of a square intersect each other at M.

In a square the diagonals bisect each other.

But , l(DM)=7 cm.
Therefore,DM=EG=7cm .


  • In rectangle PQRS , l(PQ)=7 cm, l(PS)=9 cm. Find l(QR) and SR.

In a rectangle the opposite sides are congruent .
Therefore, PQ=SR AND PS=QR.
As per given conditions, we can say that

l(QR)=9 cm and l (SR)=7cm.


  • The diagonals AC and BD of rectangle ABCD intersect each other at point O. If measure angle CAB =25 degrees. find measure angle DAC and CAD.

In a rectangle the vertex angles are perpendicular to each other.

Therefore measure angle DAB 90 .
But , measure angle DAB =m(angle DAC+ angle CAD).
Therefore, CAD=90-25
                Therefore CAD=65


  • In quadrilateral LMNP, measure angle L=M=N=P=90.tell what type of quadrilateral LMNP is ? Explain your answer ?

The following figure is a rectangle as all vertex angles are perpendicular to each other.

Therefore the quadrilateral is a rectangle .


  • If length of one side of a rhombus is 7.5 cm then find the remaining sides of the rhombus ?

In a rhombus all sides are congruent.

Therefore , length of the side is 7.5 cm


  • If measure angle QPS in the rhombus PQRS is 65. Find measure angle QRS ?

The opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent.

Angle QPS and QRS are opposite.

Therefore ,QPS=QRS=65


  • In parallelogram PQRS, measure angle Q=130.find the measure of the other angles of the parallelogram ?

In a parallelogram the opposite angles are congruent.

Therefore. Q=S=130

In a quadrilateral the sum of measures of all angles is 360.

Therefore ,P+R=360-260
Therefore , P+R=100

By 1, we get that P=R=50




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